Explore how new technologies can enhance student learning at the Cue National Conference in Palm Springs from March 14th through 17th. Founded in 1978, CUE is an organization dedicated to inspiring student learning through digital media. The annual CUE conference is California’s premier education technology event, and provides educators, administrators, and students with opportunities to learn about innovative technologies and network with other education professionals.
Visit KQED in the Exhibit Hall to explore our new service for inquiry -based learning and stop by our concurrent sessions to learn more about the role of technology in enhancing education.
KQED Session Info:
Collaborative Inquiry in the Connected Classroom
Thursday, March 15th
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel
Discover how to use multimedia methods and resources to enhance student participation both in and beyond the classroom. Join KQED Science Education Manager Andrea Aust and News Education Manager Rachel Roberson as they explore how to use technology to connect classrooms.
Critical Thinkers and Media Makers
Friday, March 16th
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Hilton Palm Springs Hotel