NAMLE, the National Association for Media Literacy Education, is an organization dedicated to media literacy. This year they are hosting their annual conference in the ‘Windy City’ with the theme “Engaging Citizens, Building Community” June 26th through the 28th. The mission of the conference is to explore the relationships between media literacy education, civic participation and community-building within our contemporary culture. Scholars, educators, media professionals, students, and activists interested in furthering media literacy education are encouraged to attend. KQED will be represented in a panel discussion.
Panel Discussion:
Media Literacy Tools
Wednesday, June 28th
In order for educators to successfully help their students develop media literacy, they must have access to the right tools. This dialogue session brings together educators and media-makers to discuss new teaching resources to help engage with youth and assess their development of media literacy.
KQED’s Annelise Wunderlich, “Above the Noise: Modeling Critical Inquiry”