Want to learn more? Check out the lesson on composition basics on KQED Teach.
Day 2 (Dec 27): Rule of thirds
Turn your camera grid on and snap a photo using the rule of thirds
The Rule of Thirds, which might sound scary, is actually quite simple. When taking a picture, imagine a tic tac toe overlay on your image (or turn on the grid on your camera/smartphone). Then, align your picture’s subject with the intersecting lines. This will make your photo composition much more interesting than placing your subject in the dead center.
- Take two pictures: one using the Rule of Thirds principles and one without and compare!
- Share your shots with us on social media using #TeachPhotoChallenge.
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Want to learn more? Try out the interactive lesson on rule of thirds on KQED Teach.
Day 3 (Dec 28): Perspective
Take a picture of an object as seen from below. A little perspective goes a long way!
Changing the perspective (or the angle you take your photos from) is an easy technique to move from just taking pictures to telling stories with your photographs. For today’s challenge we want you to practice perspective by taking a photo from below your subject, also known as the hero’s angle.
- Find your subject and snap a normal pic (bonus points if you are now using the Rule of Thirds!)
- Now, change your perspective and crouch down. Take your picture angling up.
- Compare the two images.
- Share your shot(s) with us on social media using #TeachPhotoChallenge.