Youth Takeover Curriculum and ResourcesYouth Takeover Curriculum and Resources
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The Youth Takeover of KQED is a year-long media program that helps students acquire audio storytelling skills like interviewing, recording and editing, and culminates in the creation of an audio feature story. Timeline for 2020 cohort
Classroom materials: students will need recorders (smartphone is fine), microphones (optional) and audio editing software
Solid Interview techniques are an essential skill for audio storytelling. StoryCorps' Great Thanksgiving Day Listen unit is specifically designed to help students ask the Big Questions that lead to important conversations.
Vox Pop
From the Latin term "Vox Populi"-- meaning "voice of the people"-- a Vox Pop is a great introductory audio or video assignment that will help emerging producers learn essential skills like editing, composition and multi-tracking.
A Perspective, or radio commentary, is a two-minute, first-person narrative story that uses an experience or memory to make a broader point about society at-large. This is a great project to help students develop persuasive writing and audio tracking skills.
Perspectives Curriculum Resources
Audio Feature Story
This culminating media piece integrates interview, ambient sound, narration, music and other audio elements to create a 3-5 minute first-person audio documentary.
Students can adapt previous work from Perspectives or Vox Pops into Feature audio stories.
Other Resources: