Welcome to #TeachDoNow online courseWelcome to #TeachDoNow online course
KQED's #TeachDoNow is a collaborative learning experience in partnership with the National Writing Project open to anyone interested in learning how to use Twitter and other media sharing applications to promote social and civic discourse with students. Click here to learn more about the course. And be sure to sign up for the course on the right sidebar.
This space will be main site that hosts the course materials. You should also join our #TeachDoNow Google+ community and follow us at @KQEDedspace where the conversations and engagement will be happening.
Week 1: July 7 - What are the best strategies for accessing professional learning online?
Do Now: The Value of Professional Learning Networks
Here's our conversation starter where we introduce the value of social media in developing a professional learning network. We feature a TEDx video from Michael Wesch, Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University. Be sure to view the conversation starter questions and participate in the discussion and include #TeachDoNow in your response.
#TeachDoNow Webinar, Episode 1 (from July 7)
Join Vicki "Cool Cat Teacher" Davis, Larry Ferlazzo, Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, and Tina Barseghian from MindShift as we share and explore the best resources for understanding current trends in education and develop and share strategies to achieve our own professional learning goals.
Week 2: July 14 - How can we use Connected Learning principles to promote 21st century learning and address Common Core State Standards?
Do Now: Connected Learning Principles
Kids are learning everywhere. Today, the traditional school forms a single, albeit important, node in a larger learning environment. The model of Connected Learning acknowledges this shift in where students learn, how they learn, who they learn from, and how they express that learning. How can we use Connected Learning principles to promote 21st century learning? What should be the role of schools in this environment? Be sure to view the conversation starter questions and participate in the discussion and include #TeachDoNow in your response.
#TeachDoNow Webinar, Episode 2 (from July 14)
Join researchers and teachers from the National Writing Project who will share Connected Learning principles and resources and lead an exploration about how to promote the kinds of skills in students required by our 21st century culture and CCSS.
Week 3: July 21 - What media making and social learning tools are best at engaging learners?
Do Now: Media making and social learning tools for learning
Most agree that classrooms need to provide opportunities for students to create and engage with new media technology. However, that realization still leaves us far from the specifics needed to make it happen. Creating and sharing media is a critical part of Henry Jenkins, media scholar at the University of Southern California, calls participatory culture.
#TeachDoNow Episode 3 (from July 21)
Join innovative teachers Amy Burvall, Troy Hicks, Janelle Bence, and Jeremy Hyler examine a wide range of tools and tips that enable communication through multiple modes of media and how they can add value to learning.
Week 4: July 28 - How do you engage millennials in civic discourse and promote community engagement?
Do Now: Supporting civic discourse & community engagement for learners
We know that millennials are online. All. The. Time. Students are simultaneously engaged in multiple conversations in person and across a variety of media. They are reading, they are creating, they are sharing and resharing, they are liking, they are commenting – they are participating at a variety of levels. As educators, how do we take the energy and engagement associated with this participation and use it to promote positive thinking, discourse and action around issues that matter to our communities, states, and nations?
#TeachDoNow Webinar, Episode 4 (from July 28)
Scholars as well as innovative K-12 practitioners will lead an inquiry into how to best use participatory media to promote positive student engagement in their communities – both online and offline. This is the fourth webinar in the #TeachDoNow MOOC series.
Week 5: Aug 4 - What are your biggest concerns about online safety and digital citizenship in the classroom?
Do Now: Online Safety and Digital Citizenship
One of the critical roadblocks for teachers interested in student media making and online discourse is concern about safety and behavior online. The concern is evident everywhere. A search for “online safety” on YouTube returns over a million videos with most focused on showing teens, tweens and parents how to navigate the dangers effectively. Yet, despite the overabundance of resources, issues surrounding online safety and how to teach digital citizenship are a major concern. What are your biggest concerns about online safety and digital citizenship in the classroom?
#TeachDoNow Episode 5 (from Aug 4)
Join educators Shelly Terrell, Rebecca Girard and other panelists from Common Sense Media and Twitter in an examination of online safety and digital citizenship for learners. This is the fifth webinar in the #TeachDoNow series.
Week 6: August 11 -- How do you manage learners, tasks, resources, and assessment in a connected learning environment?
Do Now: Effective ways to implement Do Now
We have explored pathways to our own professional learning, how to promote 21st century skills, media making tools and strategies, digital media’s potential for increasing civic and community engagement, and how to keep our students safe online. This week we turn our focus to our Do Now activity and how to effectively engage with the weekly global discussions in your class.
#TeachDoNow Episode 6 (from Aug 11)
The skills required of 21st century learners are clear. How to manage a 21st century learning environment that actively promotes those skills is less so. Join leading education innovators in thinking about how to transform your learning environment and the pedagogical strategies needed to teach in a connected learning environment.
Participate in our #TeachDoNow Google+ community
You can access our Google+ community where you can share, reflect, ask questions, or reply to ongoing conversations.
Follow the conversation on tagboard
We are using tagboard to aggregate the entire #TeachDoNow conversation from a variety of social media platforms like Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Vine, and Instagram.