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'Kenna's Rebirth'

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In “Kenna’s Rebirth,” 17-year-old BayKids filmmaker Kenna leaves her viewers profoundly touched by her courage and wisdom. When Kenna got together with BayKids Studios, she knew exactly what she wanted to do: make a film that would inspire and help children like herself waiting for a bone marrow transplant.

Kenna directed her movie from start to finish with a clear vision of how she wanted to share her journey from bone marrow transplant to recovery. Kenna’s directorial talents stand out as we watch her openly share her own thoughts and feelings and interview her family with insightful and sometimes poignant questions. The result is a film that tells an honest, humorous, and deeply inspiring story of courage and hope.

This film was shown at BAYMN FEST 2013.

By Kenna Stuck/BayKids Studios


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