With over 100,000 videos, lesson and interactive games, PBS LearningMedia is a free digital library ideal for supporting media-rich learning. Teachers can easily find quality resources in PBS LearningMedia, making it a robust tool to add to any teaching toolbox. Integrate this sampling of PBS LearningMedia videos and lesson into teaching and learning to foster a learning environment that is innovative and fun. These instructional videos and lessons demonstrate effective use of media in the classroom.
1. How to Use Teacher Tools in PBS LearningMedia
Learn how to easily create multi-media presentations and assessments with this helpful playlist of short videos. These tools are useful for introducing new concepts and topics, as well as creating self-paced assignments for students.
2. Self-Paced Courses
Here you will find a collection of short, self-paced courses with excellent tips on teaching in the “digital age”. These courses’ subjects range from instructional technology and leadership to math and science.
3. Strategy Mapping
This online lesson plan is your guide for promoting innovative thinking in the classroom. Watch this video to see how the strategy mapping exercises are applied to students. This exercise is great for problem-solving and exploring different ways of thinking.
4. PBS Teacher Line Tips
Use these ten questions to guide you through the lesson-planning process. The questions, taken from a book titled Instruction for All Students by Paula Rutherford, aim at promoting better student learning outcomes.