The creators of Zeega, an interactive digital storytelling platform on the web, recently launched their new mobile app, Pop. As explained on their website…
Pop is about putting two things together. Capture a photo or video and combine it with anything on the web—an animated GIF, a movie clip—whatever comes to mind. To experience a Pop, press and hold down to reveal what’s underneath. Many Pops are funny—the app is perfect for the art of setup and punchline. But Pop can also be used to tell impactful stories.
Justin Ellis of the Neiman Journalism Lab best articulates the Pop experience as, “Pop is equal parts social and visual storytelling… The effect is a little like playing with a pop-up book you control with a tap of your finger…The app itself is similar in design and spirit to Vine, but instead of sharing six-second videos, you can express yourself through a bacon-Putin sandwich.”
What users make in Pop is mostly shared on the app, but users can also share their creations with the outside world by tweeting, texting, or emailing a link.
KQED Art School featured Zeega a few months back where creators discussed their media making website and the inspiration behind its name. In the video below, meet Kara Oehler and Jesse Shapins, founders of Zeega.