While EV drivers may be doing a lot for the environment, some folks say we are getting a free ride by not paying a gas tax. As more and more EVs roll out, the question posed by some is how are we contributing to the roads we drive on?
Nearly half a dozen states are considering some type of fee for electric car drivers. Legislators in the state of Washington killed a proposed flat $100 annual tax. Oregon has one of the most robust, growing EV markets and policy makers there are considering a road user fee based on miles traveled. Bills have also been proposed in Kansas, Arizona and Utah.
Obviously, the gas tax is important, besides maintaining our crumbling roads and bridges, it funds mass transit. The 18 cents a gallon federal gas tax hasn't been raised since 1993 and it is unlikely in this election year it will be increased. Still I feel, as an early adopter, we are dealing with so many hassles that it seems unfair to tax us right now. There are so few public chargers out there and it takes so long to charge that my route is mainly from my house to my work. I pay a toll to use the bridge to get to work.
When there are more chargers, more electric cars out there and the cost of electric cars comes down then maybe we can talk about fairness. Right now it seems too early. Let us know what you think: tax or no tax?
See other posts from this series.