Thirty people were recruited to make their way through the course three times. In the first instance, participants walked the course undistracted and without a phone. They texted during the second walk-through. In the third scenario, they texted and used an app to solve basic math problems. Thirteen nearby cameras captured the participants' movements and collected motion data.
After analyzing the data, the research team found that people took significantly longer to complete the course while using a phone. While they tended to deviate from the path, text walkers didn't trip or bump into anything. They also lifted their feet higher to clear steps. When they were walking without distractions, for example, participants cleared the curb by about 3.7 inches. But when using their phones, they would raise their feet higher to about 4.37 inches.
"That suggests they were being more careful to make sure they cleared the step," Earnest says. He adds that people could be slowing down to avoid potential accidents while they're distracted.
Psychologist David Schwebel, a professor at University of Alabama at Birmingham, agrees.
"I think the participants recognized that their brain was overloaded and to protect themselves, became more cautious and slowed down to make it safer," says Schwebel, who was not involved with the study.
Still, he does not advocate texting while walking. His own research has shown that pedestrians who are distracted with their phones are more likely to be in traffic accidents.
City and regional planner Jack Nasar, on the other hand, does not believe a slower pace implies more caution. He thinks it simply proves that text walkers are having trouble multitasking.
Nasar, a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University who was not involved with the study, points to his own research on pedestrians using phones.
In one experiment, Nasar found that people on cell phones are 48 percent more likely to walk unsafely into oncoming traffic. Another study showed that injuries of pedestrians on phones more than doubled between 2004 and 2010. In fact, in 2010, the number of pedestrian injuries while texting exceeded the number of texting and driving injuries.
"Pedestrians using cell phones are getting hurt, and that suggests they're not being cautious," Nasar says. "If they were being cautious, they wouldn't be getting injured."
Whether text walkers are being careful or not, the general consensus seems to be: Don't do it.
Despite his findings, Earnest says people should pocket their phones and just enjoy the walk at hand.
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