The health overhaul bill passed by the House earlier this month accomplishes one major feat: It is even less popular than the not-very-popular Affordable Care Act it would largely replace, a new poll finds.
According to the monthly tracking poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 49 percent of respondents said they have a favorable view of the ACA, while 31 percent said they favored the GOP’s American Health Care Act, which narrowly passed the House on May 4. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)
But in a mirror image of the ACA’s standing with the public, more than two-thirds of Republicans said they support their party’s health plan. Even more Democrats (78 percent) favored Obamacare.
The findings track those of other polls conducted since the Republican House passed the bill. A Quinnipiac University poll released May 25 found 20 percent of Americans support the AHCA, compared with 57 percent opposition. A poll from Morning Consult and Politico just after the bill passed found 38 percent supported the GOP measure and 44 percent opposed it.
Unlikely to boost the bill’s popularity is a report last week from the Congressional Budget Office that found after 10 years the legislation would result in 23 million fewer Americans with insurance and could make it harder for those with preexisting conditions to get and keep coverage.