The Bay Area Festival of Science
The first weekend of November is science geek nirvana with the return of a Bay Area gem: Wonderfest, the Bay Area Festival of Science. The 2-day festival is Saturday, November 7th (on Stanford’s campus) and Sunday, November 8th (on Berkeley’s campus).
Every year, Wonderfest pairs researchers to answer provocative questions in the world of science. The point is to create an engaging dialogue between the scientists and the audience, empowering people to make up their own mind.
I’m always blown away by the scientific luminaries that take part in the dialogues. Just last year, there was a dialogue on our energy future featuring current Secretary of Energy (and Nobel Laureate) Steven Chu and co-lead author of the IPCC report on climate change Dan Kammen.
This year is no exception with an expanded line-up of exceptional dialogues:
Does Moore’s Law Apply to Energy Technology?
Does Media Violence Inspire Real Violence?
Is Evolution Still Darwinian?
Do Robots Make Better Astronauts?
Does Darwin Illuminate Emotion & Spirituality?
Can We Create Life?