Here's the thing: there's a ton of stuff on TV. If you have a job -- which I assume some of you do -- it's hard to keep up on every single show spitting out of your TV or computer. Heck, even if you don't have a job, it's hard (I know this from experience --I don't technically have a job and I have tried my hardest to watch every single thing and, 15 pounds later, even I can't). Because I care about you and your health, here are some shows you should actually invest your time in. They're worth it! You're worth it! Just make sure to take a walk around the block or something.
The Americans
I've stopped watching Justified and Sons of Anarchy because they are just so completely unrelenting in their masculinity and danger. Also, they are set in the real world, but aren't actually possible in the real world. But The Americans does not have this problem. It has drama and it has dudes doing dude things, but it's set in the real world and even though its premise seems bananas -- a couple of Russian spies go deep undercover as travel agents in the suburbs during the Cold War -- it's actually a real thing that happened. If you're sick of the nonsense drama that Scandal is turning into, try this. It's sexy without being exploitative; it's about relationships and family without being boring or over the top; it's about politics while maintaining some subtlety. Also, there are a ton of wigs.
The Walking Dead
If you want to get your heart racing a bit on a Sunday, but you've given up on Justified and Sons of Anarchy for the aforementioned reasons, try The Walking Dead. Yes, I get it: you aren't "into" zombies. Neither am I! But I love the apocalypse and TV is currently overflowing with apocalypse-based shows. You don't have time for all of them! So pick the ultimate, and watch as a band of unlikely companions smash zombie skulls everywhere they go. The story is well thought out and the details and continuity are perfect -- like if Lost had lived up to the hype. Sure, the grass is sometimes a bit too mowed and the girls don't appear to have hairy legs or armpits (no one would have time to shave in the apocalypse, guys), but we'll overlook that. Get over the hump and watch this show so we can start talking about it!