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Good Read: What Does the Art of Teaching Have to Do With Ed Tech?

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"Without a trace of sarcasm or cynicism, I tell you honestly that I don’t think we’ve even begun to scratch the surface when it comes to education in the era of the Internet," writes educator Shelly Blake-Plock, who also wrote the memorable post 21 Things That Will Be Obsolete in 2020 and If School is Not Relevant.

"And for all the millions of teachers and students using amazing platforms for organizing classes, managing classrooms, connecting to resources, and delivering content, I really don’t think we’ve begun to even imagine what the future of learning looks like." Read the essay to find out what he means.

EdTech doesn't exist. Not yet. Not really. Instructional Tech exists. Training Tech exists. Achievement Measure Tech exists. Classroom Management Tech exists. Teach Lecture Tech and Peer Comment Tech and Group Collaboration Tech and Video Chat With Classroom FarAway Tech exists. But EdTech doesn't exist. Not yet. Not really. Does it?

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