Science and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
- Career Spotlight: Microbiologist
- Career Spotlight: Kite Designer
- Career Spotlight: Mechatronics Engineer
- Career Spotlight: Coatings Technician
- Claims of the Advocates: The Benefits of Hydraulic Fracturing
- What are the Challenges of Fracking Natural Shale Gas Reserves?
Developing and Using Models
- Balancing Act: Otters, Urchins, and Kelp
- The Roots of the Carbon Cycle
- Career Spotlight: Kite Designer
- Career Spotlight: Microbiologists
- What is An Aquifer?
- Groundwater Term Game
- Follow That Nutrient
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
- Career Spotlight: Microbiologist
- Career Spotlight: Mechatronics Engineer
- The System of Surface Water
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
- Career Spotlight: Microbiologist
- Career Spotlight: Mechatronics Engineer
- Career Spotlight: Kite Designer
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
- Ocean Acidification: The Basics
- Why Soil Matters
- Non Renewable and Renewable Energy
- Career Spotlight: Kite Designer
- Career Spotlight: Microbiologist
- How Were Fossil Fuels Formed
- How Does Hydraulic Fracturing Work?
- Energy and A Sustainable Future
- What is An Aquifer?
- Groundwater, Beneath the Surface
- A Watershed Moment
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information