Paul Katzeff in 1972, co-founder
of Thanksgiving Coffee Company.
Good morning! Any coffee lovers out there? I'm not confessing any addiction, but I do admit that I enjoy my morning cup. It gives me great pleasure that my cup comes from Thanksgiving Coffee Company, Oakland Zoo's caffeine supplier. Yes, this stimulates me in many ways!
Not only is the coffee delicious, but their like-minded mission makes them a great match for Oakland Zoo.
Established by Joan and Paul Katzeff in 1972, Thanksgiving Coffee was born in the Mendacino Hotel and was sold in the hotel café. Even then, the company focused on giving to the community and caring for the environment. Since then, the company has grown to become a specialty coffee industry leader, in both roasting practices and community activism.
The coffee is mostly organic and much of it is Fair Trade certified. They buy their beans from small farms in mountain regions and work to help farmers form cooperatives. The cooperatives provide stability and support, enabling groups to negotiate fair prices for their crops, send their children to school, and enrich their communities. These shifts allow growers to blossom into proud coffee artisans. Thanksgiving Coffee Company has received many awards for their sustainable practices. They were the first to create shade-grown coffee, the first to become carbon-neutral and they continue to explore ways an organization can save people and the planet! For obvious reasons, I love their: