Imagine your dream college:
A green campus with a swan-filled lake to dream by and shady spots to sit and contemplate, classrooms with state of the art sound, dynamic classmates, organic and delicious food, shade-grown coffee, vibrant music and festive gatherings, small classes led by industry experts and large lectures led by industry heroes who create rapt, teary and inspired students. Now imagine that everything is focused on your favorite subject matter (and mine): nature and the environment. Wake up! It isn't a dream, Friends. It is Bioneers, a conference happening this October 17-19 at The Marin Civic Center.
Always ahead of the curve, Bioneers presents cutting edge and ingenious ideas and concepts in a field that is blasting off, even in the mainstream. It focuses on creative solutions to social and environmental challenges that honor natural systems and explore beyond what we all thought was possible.
Founded in 1990 by Kenny Ausubel, the Bioneers is not only live in San Rafael, but beamed to 18 communities across the country simultaneously, exposing a national community to the innovation and excitement of the event.