On Tuesday, December 4th, 9-11AM PT, KQED's Forum goes on a live remote to The Buck Institute for Age Research in Marin County to look at the future of aging. QUEST explored the topic of age research on our Eat Less, Live Longer? TV story and Quest for Longevity radio report . The program will be broadcast on 88.5 FM and will also be available via live streaming on KQED.org.
Additiionally, the public is invited to participate by attending in person. Seating is limited. Guests must RSVP to 415-209-2261, and receive confirmation. Guests need to be seated in the Drexler Auditorium by 8:45 a.m.
9:00 – 10:00 am: Topic: Age Research. Guests include Buck Institute faculty members Dale Bredesen, MD and Gordon Lithgow, PhD, and Paola Timeras, PhD, from UC Berkeley
10:00 – 11:00 am: Topic: Aging & Society. Guest include William Satariano, Prof of Epidemiology & Public Health, UC Berkeley; Mary McCall, Prof of Psychology, St. Mary’s College, and John Shoven, Director, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.