Dia de Los MuertosDia de Los Muertos

A group of young people in white dresses dance outside in front of a large audience.

Finding Joy in Grieving Together at a Día de los Muertos Celebration in Oakland

A person works wrapping marigolds in paper.

Bay Area Flower Farms Burst with Marigolds for Día de los Muertos

A vintage photo of a man wearing a suit and woman wearing a white wedding dress.

How a Childhood Prank Accidentally Helped My Newly Widowed Grandmother Face Her Grief

Four Aztec dancers in elaborate colorful garb and feathers dance on a lawn surrounded by onlookers

'We Dance United': Aztec Dance Troupes Preserve a Proud Heritage for Bay Area's Latinx Community

Framed photos of deceased loved ones sit behind tall candles also printed with the faces of the deceased. The alter is adorned with offerings from the dead, including fruits, bread, candy and beer. Everything sits on a black table cloth decorated with marigolds.

How Fruitvale Honors the Dead During a COVID-Era Día de los Muertos

Two people wear face paint and flowers in their hair and look at the camera.

‘Making Something That’s Our Own’: Día de Los Muertos in the Bay

Women with yellow, blue, red, and green skirts move on the sidewalk beneath a brightly colored mural on the side of a building.

'To Also Celebrate the Living': Día de los Muertos Returns to the Mission

Dr. Monica Gandhi headshot

Dr. Monica Gandhi | This Week in California Politics

'We Have a Lot to Grieve About': Día de los Muertos in 2020
