Are you ready, Bay Area? Ye Olde East Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge is about to be retired. “Rest in pieces!” said KPIX reporter Elizabeth Cook in a recent report.
Whatever you think of the new span -- its design, how much it cost to build, the contentious politics that delayed construction -- there’s little doubt its predecessor will go out with a whimper, not a bang.
For one thing, there’s no way Caltrans District 4 will blow up the old cantilever section, given all the lead paint on it. At least, so says Jaxon Van Derbeken of the San Francisco Chronicle to The California Report. For another … it was never the architectural marvel of that other bridge over by Marin.
And yet…
A lot of East Bay commuters will feel a little twinge of sadness this week. The old span did its job remarkably well, long past its recommended use-by-date. It also had a certain aesthetic charm: the rhythmic bump of your car passing over its concrete sections, the flicker of natural light between the supports on the lower deck, the flash of gorgeous views on either side.