- California drought picture improves ever so slightly (U.S. Drought Monitor):
Analysis says 0.16 percent of state -- a tiny little shaving of territory along the Colorado River -- is not in drought. But two-thirds of California remains in "extreme" or "exceptional" drought, and signs are we're headed into another extended dry period. Full story
- February drought update: How do those reservoirs look? (KQED News):
As expected, the big rains that have fallen in the northern half of California have boosted storage at the state’s principal reservoirs. So now we’re confronted with a glass half-full/half-empty proposition when we appraise how they’re looking. Full story
Also: Sonoma County's Lake Mendocino at highest level in two years (Santa Rosa Press Democrat)
- Owner of Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home -- price tag $3.3 million -- asks for tax break (SFGate On the Block):
Owner bought home in 2013 and says he deserves $30,000-a-year tax break because the property requires lots of upkeep. Plus, he throws fundraisers at the place every once in a while. Full story
- SpaceX launches satellite but calls off daring rocket landing attempt (Washington Post):
Elon Musk’s SpaceX successfully launched a research satellite into space Wednesday but called off a dramatic attempt to land the first stage of an unmanned rocket on a platform floating in the Atlantic Ocean because of extreme weather that caused massive waves. In a statement, the company said that the "drone ship," as it calls the floating platform, "was designed to operate in all but the most extreme weather." But with waves "three stories high crashing over the decks," the attempt was not possible. Full story
- How Abraham Lincoln lost his birthday (Constitution Daily):
It’s Abraham Lincoln’s 206th birthday today, but you wouldn’t know it by watching the number of states that observe the day as a paid holiday. Full story
Also: The speech that made Lincoln president (Cleveland Plain Dealer):
- How one stupid tweet blew up a woman's life (New York Times Magazine):
As she made the long journey from New York to South Africa, to visit family during the holidays in 2013, Justine Sacco, 30 years old and the senior director of corporate communications at IAC, began tweeting acerbic little jokes about the indignities of travel. By the time she landed at her destination, one of those tweets had made her the target of an international chorus of Twitter outrage. Full story
- Someone else can now run your Facebook page after you join the choir invisible (Ars Technica):
Facebook is now making it a little easier for your loved ones to manage your profile page after you’ve shuffled off this mortal coil. Specifically, Facebook will allow its users to choose a “legacy contact” who will be given the ability to execute only a few specific functions on behalf of the deceased. (If you want, you can also choose to have your Facebook page deleted upon death instead.) Full story
- Golden State's Curry and Thompson both to start NBA All-Star Game; oh -- and Warriors win (San Francisco Chronicle):
On the night when Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson learned they will start in the same backcourt at the All-Star Game, the Warriors’ guards did pretty much what they’ve done all season to earn that honor. The “Splash Brothers” combined for 39 points, including Golden State’s final seven, to squeak by with a 94-91 victory over the Timberwolves after blowing a 14-point lead Wednesday night at the Target Center in the teams’ final game before the All-Star break. Full story
- A falling woman was saved from death at the Oakland Coliseum; here's what happened next (Sports Illustrated):
The phone fell first. Glenn Israel heard it hit concrete a few feet away from him and crack. He looked up and saw a young woman sitting on a railing 45 feet above him, crying. Full story
9 Stories You Should Know About Today: Thursday, Feb. 12

Abraham Lincoln, 1865.