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6 Stories You Should Know About Today

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(NASA Worldview)

  • Windy storm roars toward Bay Area (KQED News):

    A major storm is on our doorstep. The National Weather Service says the system, driven by fierce jet stream winds and funneling moisture from the subtropical Pacific, will batter virtually all of Northern California with prolonged heavy rains and high winds. An exception to that statement: the Sierra Nevada above 6,000 feet elevation, where precipitation will be in the form of snow. Forecasters have posted blizzard warnings for the west slope of the mountains from Yosemite up to Mount Lassen. Full story

  • An activist calls for new strategies in police protests (Beyond Chron):

    ... As occurred in the latter stages of the Occupy Movement, the focus shifts from the underlying crisis to a particular city’s police response to those protesting about the crisis. That’s called taking your eyes off the prize. Such a shift put primarily white protesters’ conflict with Berkeley or Oakland police at center stage. This diverted attention from the racially-based shooting of African-Americans. The Berkeley police’s response to protesters is now the issue, and has eclipsed a nonviolent protest against Ferguson-type racial injustice. Full story

  • SFPD awards medals to officers still under investigation for shooting (San Francisco Examiner):

    ... The first officers on the scene -- Ryan Daugherty and officer-in-training Valerie Durkin -- encountered a man waving what looked like a pistol in front of the Good Vibrations sex shop. When Freddy Martinez refused to put down the weapon and waved it in the direction of the officers, Daugherty fired his weapon, wounding Martinez and a bystander, police reported. Some 19 months after the incident, the Police Department on Nov. 12 honored both officers with Silver Medals of Valor for their actions in the incident. Full story

  • How police shootings affect the officers involved (Contra Costa Times):

    The incident happened seven years ago and lasted perhaps 10 seconds. Even now, Alex Hidas recalls every detail. A man standing in a hallway, silhouetted by a kitchen light. A gun-shaped object in the man's hand. The hand starting to rise. Silence as Hidas hesitates, thinking "Am I really seeing this?" before reaching for his service weapon and firing. Full story

  • Uber sued for allegedly pocketing phony airport fees (SF Weekly):

    Uber was charging its customers a $4 airport surcharge, cash never remitted to the airport, a class-action lawsuit filed last week notes. Similar lawsuits alleging similar chicanery in other cities have also been filed. Full story

  • Dogs join hunt for executed 19th century California rebels (Santa Rosa Press-Democrat):

    Several nosy newcomers proved invaluable Tuesday to an old, off-and-on search for the burial place of two Bear Flag Revolt rebels captured and slain nearly 169 years ago by defenders of what was then part of Mexico. Five dogs trained to locate historic and even prehistoric human remains assisted locals keen to pinpoint the graves and perhaps move and provide a proper burial to whatever is left of the bodies of Thomas Cowie and George Fowler. Full story


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