This twelve-minute film explores the stories of artists, educators, parents, administrators, politicians and young people. The film addresses the current state of arts in schools in CA, a brief history of Prop 13, current research on the transformative power of the arts & their vital role as an educational resource, and how community members can become empowered to work for increased access to arts education in their local schools.
Do Now
Why is studying art in school important to you? If you don’t study the arts in your school, do you think you should have the opportunity to do so? Why?#DoNowArtsEd
How to Do Now
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Learn More About the Arts and Schools
In recent decades, American schools have been pressured to increase standardized test scores, causing them to make cuts to programs like visual art, music, dance and theater. At the same time, studies have shown that involvement in the arts helps students stay in school, perform better in all academic subjects, and enjoy the school experience more. The arts are often the only subjects in which students can express creative individuality and have a platform for personal expression. In the past 30 years, access to arts education in schools has declined significantly.