Who Do You Call for Help When Your Abuser is a Cop?
Victims of domestic violence are often reluctant to report their attackers. But imagine if you call the police and the officers who respond work with your abuser. Reporter Sukey Lewis brings us the story of Desiree Martinez, a woman who was abused by her partner Kyle Pennington, a police officer in the Central Valley city of Clovis. Martinez’s case is currently being considered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Their ruling could hold other officers accountable for failing to act when an abuser is one of their own. And a warning, this story contains some disturbing descriptions of assault.
Blind Since Birth, He Helps Design How Products Sound
Almost every product you interact with has been designed to have a particular look — and a particular sound. Think of the pop of a Pringles can, or the snap of a Snapple cap. When companies need to design the sound of their products, they turn to a sensory consultant, like Hoby Wedler. Wedler lives in Petaluma and has been blind since birth. He invited Chris Hoff and Sam Harnett from the podcast "The World According to Sound" to his house for a sonic demonstration of the kinds of sounds he spends hours thinking about. And if you’ve got a chance, you should listen to this story with headphones.
Sounds of My Father: We Need Your Help!
With Father's Day coming up next month, we want to know what sounds remind you of your dad — whether it's a baseball hitting a glove, a sizzling barbecue or maybe his favorite song. KQED staff share the sounds they associate with their dads, and we’re opening up the lines to hear your stories.
Give us a call at 415-830-6580 and leave us a message. You might hear it on our Father's Day show!