Bay Curious is available on most podcasting apps including iTunes, NPR One, Google Play, Stitcher and many others. You can also use our feed URL if you can't find us in your favorite app.
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Subscribing is the easiest way to make sure you don't miss a single episode. Once you're subscribed, you'll begin seeing new Bay Curious episodes each week in your podcasting app of choice.
If you're on an iPhone or iPad, use the Podcasts app. You can get it from the App Store, though it may already be installed on your phone if your device is newer. In the Podcasts app, use the search function in the lower right-hand corner to find the podcast you'd like -- in this case "Bay Curious." Our podcast will be among the results under the podcasts section. Click on the result to get to our show page. From there you should see a subscribe button. Hit it and you're all set! You can also listen to any previous episodes from this show page.
For Android phones and tablets, try the Google Play Music app. Your phone probably already has it, but you can find it in Google Play too. Tap the menu button at the top left corner of the screen, then tap podcasts. Tap the search button at the top right of your screen. Search for the podcast you'd like -- in this case "Bay Curious" -- and then hit subscribe. You're all set! You can also listen to any previous episodes from this show page.