Update, 6:10 a.m. Wednesday The man authorities believe shot and killed San Jose police Officer Michael Johnson late Tuesday night has been found dead.

Police said the suspect, Scott Dunham, was discovered on the balcony of his Senter Road home at 3:20 a.m. He had suffered at least one gunshot wound, though police said it was unclear whether his injuries were self-inflicted or the result of police fire.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
Police Chief Larry Esquivel said there had (been) no additional reports of gunfire after the initial gunbattle between police and Dunham.
“It’s a good possibility he was dead the whole time,” Esquivel said. “There was no contact, or any dialogue or communication with any of our officers after that.”
Update, 12:05 a.m. Wednesday San Jose police have identified the officer shot and killed Tuesday evening while responding to a call as 14-year veteran Michael Johnson. He's the 12th San Jose police officer to die in the line of duty and the first since 2001.
Police say the shooting suspect is Scott Dunham, 57, a resident of a townhome complex on Senter Road. In a press conference, police said they believe Dunham is alone inside his residence in the South San Jose neighborhood.

Police Chief Larry Esquivel held a press conference near the scene of the fatal encounter and confirmed accounts that the officer was one of several who responded to the 2600 block of Senter Road after a telephoned report from the family member of a man -- apparently Dunham -- who might pose a threat to himself or others.