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Who's Paying for the Propositions? Follow the Money!

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Individuals and organizations are spending millions in the 2012 statewide election to get various California statewide propositions passed or defeated. Anyone who's watched even a smidgen of TV in the last two months can attest to the saturation of proposition-related commercials out there. Often times, the names, affiliations, and locations (they're often out-of-state) of the funders are intentionally vague - organizations like Americans for Responsible Leadership (who, by the way, has donated $11 million to Prop 32), making it nearly impossible to tell what a funder's political affiliation or specific agenda might be. So, a little sleuthing can go a long way to find out who's behind which measure. Bottom line: you always have to follow the money! And the Voter's Edge project at MapLight - a nonpartisan, nonprofit research firm - makes it pretty easy to track the cash flow. Check out their app:


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