... And this is Laura Avery with the market report.
I listen to those words every week as Laura Avery reports from the Wednesday Santa Monica Farmers' Market. KCRW has a wonderful podcast called Good Food and each week it begins with Market Director Laura Avery talking about what's in season and interviewing farmers. Even though I don't live in the area, it's fun to hear the seasons change and compare their seasonality to our seasonality.
I have been in Southern California a few times recently for work, and when a friend called and invited me to attend the Saturday Santa Monica market, I jumped at the chance. Having heard the market report every week predisposed me to a need to check out this market. The weather had been wild. Rain, hail, and general deluge had taken over the Southland for days and driving to Santa Monica that morning, I was concerned that I didn't have the right clothes to be walking around the farmer's market in a downpour. Arriving at Third and Arizona, however, the skies were clear and Santa Monica was bathed in bright light and blue skies.