When it's pouring raining, grim and blustery, cold and dark, and frankly dreadful outside, my idea of the perfect day is one where I'm home, warm and happy. The windows are all steamed up, I put on some good music, and I start baking. And cooking. In fact, I'm happiest if I have about 4 different things going at once.
For example, today I have a sourdough sponge—made from my sourdough starter—bubbling away in a warm little spot in the kitchen, just waiting for it’s debut as a big chewy loaf of sourdough bread. On the stove, a gorgeous autumnal pumpkin curry simmering away. Recipe is courtesy of one of my all-time favourites, Nigel Slater. One burner over sits a huge pot of chicken and yams for my dog's dinner (and breakfast, and dinner, and etc etc).
But, I’m thinking, what about dessert? I adore making dessert on the weekend. Especially if it means firing up the oven and baking something. Plus it helps warm up the house and keep it all cozy inside. And nothing beats the smell of pastry or cakes or cookies, or really any kind of dough, baking away in the oven.
So in keeping with the autumn theme, and because I have a bag of pears, I’m going for little pear pot pies. It just sounds nice. Seriously, say it out loud. Pear. Pot. Pies. What could be better on a night like this?