It's that time of year again...when the leaves start to turn, a chill wind blows through the air...
Wait. No. Not here. It's still summer (or at least it feels like it)! But even though we live in a warm little bubble here in the Bay Area at this time of year, technically autumn has arrived. And with it, an event that I always look forward to: WhiskyFest!
This year, just in time for my birthday and my husband's birthday (ahem, good planning!), Malt Advocate magazine is putting on their second annual celebration of all things whisky. I first checked it out last year, and was very impressed. Where else are you going to have the opportunity to try the entire fleet of Highland Park whiskies, from their delicious 12-year-old to the more elusive 30-year-old, along with hundreds of other whiskies from all over the world.
Tickets are going fast, and I believe the event often sells out. It's not cheap, but when you think about it, how often are you going to be able to try all those whiskies side by side? I tried no less than 30 whiskies last year (emphasis on tried, I did not go with the intention of getting schnockered).
Malt Advocate magazine's 2nd annual WhiskyFest
October 10, 2008
San Francisco Marriott
6:30 to 10 p.m.
Tickets available online or by calling 1-800-610-MALT.