Contact: Sevda Eris, Publicist,, 415.553.2835
Two New Reports on Radio and Television July 14 and 18
The debate over hydraulic fracturing, the controversial oil and gas extraction technique known as “fracking,” is heating up in California. KQED, the public media organization serving Northern California, continues its coverage of fracking in California with two new special reports on July 14 and 18.
Some environmental groups have called for a moratorium on fracking until the state does a comprehensive review of potential impacts on both water and air quality. As California state agencies work to develop fracking regulations some counties have started to push for local bans instead.
KQED’s new fracking coverage is as follows:
•Monday, July 14: radio reports at 6:30am and 8:30am on 88.5 FM - Industry groups say fracking is safe but the practice has generated contentious debate about how to regulate energy production and balance concerns over environmental quality, safety and the well-being of nearby communities. KQED Science reporters travel to San Benito, 90 miles south of San Francisco, to take a look at how the county is leading efforts in California to ban fracking at a local level. San Benito is the first county in the state to qualify an anti-fracking initiative for the November 2014 election. KQED’s radio coverage also includes an online article and video report.