This week is a historical one for LGBT Americans, as two high-profile cases (one dealing with California's Proposition 8 and the other with the Defense of Marriage Act) have reached the Supreme Court's steps. If you are after the facts and analysis of the court proceedings, KQED News has you covered. If you're looking for light-hearted highlights from the audio transcripts, then you're in the right place! Listen below to Kagan explaining menopause, Scalia reciting Destiny's Child lyrics, and so much more!
It's a good thing that women are on the panel these days. Who else would school white dudes about the whole menopause = no more babies thing?
Ted Olsen is the conservative lawyer who we can thank for convincing the Supreme Court that George W. Bush was actually elected back in 2000. And that's probably 'cause he's a charmer. It wasn't more than a minute at the podium before he said something cute that got everyone laughing.