There are 12 months, each with its own personality. So of course anything with personality has to have a name, and the names tells us where they came from.
January is named for Janus, the Roman god of portals. He is always depicted with one face facing forward and the other backward. And January 1 has always been a time of reflection on the past and some potential actions for the coming year.
Febra was the Roman festival of purification. This was generally held on the 15th of February. And the idea was to have some spring-cleaning.
March is named for the god of war, Mars. This used to be the first day of the year for the ancient Romans. And that makes perfect sense because much is beginning anew in this month. Mars was not only the god of war but also the guardian of agriculture.
April is named for the beautiful goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. How perfect is that? The time when the world becomes luscious and full of wildflowers.