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Video: Brian Wilson and a Sasquatch

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Somebody's got a little too much time on his hands...

Just what the hell was that, you may ask? Well, it's a new web series starring you-know-who doing God knows what. As The Huffington Post reports today:

Two weeks after appearing at the ESPY Awards with a seven-foot sasquatch as his guest, [injured Giants pitcher Brian] Wilson premiered his mini web series "Uncaged with Sasquatch" on Break Media.

The series is a mock public access talk show...Monday's premiere was the first of five episodes, which will roll out every Monday. According to Break Media Senior Vice President and General Manager Mitch Rotter, much of the show features Wilson's own improvisation.

No offense to the sasquatch, but some YouTube critics have given Wilson's latest attempt at off-the-wall, post-modern peformance a big paw's down...

-This fails pretty hard. Nothing worse than people trying to be funny who aren't.

-I wish Squatch would've smashed that hippy wannabe.

-obviously only giants fans like this video. i dont hate the giants or anything, dont get me wrong. but this was stupid. the rest of the world is sick of all these gimmicks the giants have

-(Dr evils voice)

-That comment, it's much funnier than the f**** video. It's concise, to the point and people get the reference. Well done, guy I don't know from YouTube.


Yo Internet, that's a lot of hating. But maybe this comment has hit upon the reason:


"The dislikes are Dodger fans."

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