A memorial was held today for the victims of the Oikos University shooting.
Caitlin Esch reports about 150 people sat in folding chairs under two tents in front of the university. University founder and president Jongin Kim spoke and expressed his grief. He also announced the university would create a memorial fund for the victims' families. There was music and singing. Mourners lined up to place white carnations in front of photographs of the seven victims. At least one, pictured to the left surrounded by cameramen and photographers, fell to his knees and sobbed uncontrollably. The memorial lasted about an hour-and-a-half.
Esch said one teacher told her the university, which is now on spring break, is considering pushing back the resumption of classes another week. He said some of his students have told him they do not want to return.
Esch says many of the mourners, who don't speak English, feel accosted by the media, as you might deduce from the photo.