One of the features I really like on KQED Radio is Perspectives, in which listeners are invited to give short commentaries on topics of their choice.
I asked Perspectives' editor Mark Trautwein to choose 10 pieces from the year he wanted to revisit. He writes:
"Here’s my fairly random, not-really-‘best’, apologies-to-tons-of-other-wonderful authors, but editor’s-choice 10 Perspectives from 2011..."
- Opera Kid - Nine-year-old Aiden Sagerman likes opera, and he's not kidding.
- Payback - Alejandra went to jail for a terrible decision. Now she helps others find their way.
- I Love You More - Priscilla Yuki Wilson talks to her grandmother in disaster-ravaged Japan.
- A Good Man - Susan Dix Lyons' father isn't famous, just a good man who did all the right things.
- How to Avoid a Fat Lip - Les Bloch lists 10 ways to have opinions worth listening to.
- Invisible Men - Youth Radio's Pendarvis Harshaw tries to keep black high school students from dropping out.
- Good Intentions - Jen Haley's good intentions confront harsh reality on a holiday mission to feed the poor.
- Mirror, Mirror - Richard Friedlander asks: Is American-style democracy really a good model for the Arab revolt
- The Life - To get a life, Reggie Daniels had to give up the life of the streets and its intoxicating buzz.
- Foucault’s Pendulum - Bhaskar Sompalli, and small children, are fascinated by a giant pendulum that knocks over small pins like clockwork.