- California Watch has put together a list of some winners and losers in the election that may not immediately come to mind. Winners include the California Nurses Association's "Queen Meg' character, Gloria Allred, and "marriage." In the losers column: The Burton political machine, political consultants, and ranked-choice voting.
- The Bay Citizen's Pulse of the Bay asked some homeless and transient young people on Haight Street what they thought about the passage of San Francisco's Sit/Lie law. They're not liking it so much...
- From Calpensions, this post called "Pension reforms sweep, except San Francisco" prompted quite a lively discussion the comments' section between user "Joe Pensioner" and pension-reform backers. Here's one exchange:
Joe Pensioner Says
You can all go f*** yourself for trying to lower pensions for Public employees, especially safety related. We should not be giving up any concessions on pensions that we’ve earned over the years and start going backwards. Any attempt will come back to bite you in the ass. When you idiots reduce pensions and take away a major recruitment tool for safety employees, you will find less and less people will be (there) to do these dangerous (jobs) that will have a lousy pension that makes it not worth risking your life for. You people will be the ultimate victim when you call 911 and there’s no police or firefighters to respond. The old saying…Be careful what you ask for.
That prompted this response:
Jack Taxpayer Says:
Well “Joe Pensioner,” Jack Taxpayer here, and if you think it’s ok for traffic cops and guys who drive a fire truck to make $200K per year (on average when you include the cost of funding their retirement benefits), you are delusional. And your profane invective illustrates quite well why people with badges should not be allowed to belong to unions. You guys are supposed to protect us from union thugs, not be union thugs. Nobody is disputing the need to pay a premium to public safety workers in recognition of the risks they take. But you guys are making way, way more than the market rate for what you do, and you are corrupted by it. Unionized public safety employees are a threat to a free society.
And then it really got nasty...
Blog Beat: Non-Candidate Election Casualties, Haight Street Homeless React to Sit/Lie