Recall the recall for a moment, if you would. You know, the 2003 special election that asked voters two questions:
1) Shall Gray Davis be recalled (removed) from the office of Governor?
2) Candidates to succeed Gray Davis as Governor if he is recalled:
Which was followed by a list of candidates that included Arnold Schwarzennegger, who managed to fend off the likes of Larry Flynt, Arianna Huffington, and Gary Coleman, among the list of 134 other hopefuls, to take the prize. (If you can call winning the governorship of this state a prize.)
Anyhoo, after the circus left town, then State Attorney General Bill Lockyer, a Democrat, caused a stir when he publicly stated at an election post-mortem that he had voted against the recall on the first question, but had voted for Arnold on the second. Schwarzennegger represented "hope, change, reform, opportunity, upbeat problem solving," Lockyer was quoted as saying.