San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick appeared Friday at a prayer gathering in his hometown of Turlock and spoke publicly for the first time about apparently baseless media reports that he and two other players were under investigation in connection with a possible sexual assault.
According to the Modesto Bee, Kaepernick told a sellout crowd at the 21st Annual Turlock Mayor's Prayer Breakfast: “It’s been put out that I did something wrong. Even though it’s a bad circumstance, a bad situation, I feel like ultimately I’ve been blessed because it’s changed my way of thinking. It’s made me stronger. It’s made me look at things differently.”
Kaepernick expressed gratitude for the community support he's received, evidenced by the 900 people who turned out for his prayer breakfast appearance. reported April 10 that Miami police were investigating Kaepernick, 49ers receiver Quinton Patton and Seattle Seahawks receiver Ricardo Lockette after an encounter with an unidentified woman in Lockette's apartment. The woman told police she'd had drinks with the players, who told her they wanted her to smoke pot, then apparently fell unconscious after having gotten undressed. She told police she woke up in a hospital with no memory of how she arrived there.