Cal State Faculty Reach Tentative Labor Deal
Cal State faculty have called off a strike after a tentative labor agreement was reached Monday night. Faculty had been scheduled to be off the job this entire week.
Top Four Candidates Take Stage For US Senate Debate
The three Democrats vying to represent California in the U.S. Senate went after the only Republican on stage at Monday’s debate — and clashed over the war between Israel and Hamas.
Reporter: Marisa Lagos, KQED
Anniversary Of Half Moon Bay Mass Shooting Highlights Need For Farmworker Housing
Many in Half Moon Bay are gathering on Tuesday to commemorate the first anniversary of the mass shooting that killed seven farmworkers in the community south of San Francisco.
Reporter: Farida Jhabvala Romero
Temecula School Board President To Face Recall Election
A controversial school board president in the Riverside County community of Temecula will face a recall election this spring. A group opposed to his conservative agenda collected enough signatures to force a vote.
Reporter: Madison Aument, KVCR