John Dowd, the veteran attorney leading President Trump's outside legal team, has tendered his resignation, marking a shakeup just as Trump had turned his Twitter ire on special counsel Robert Mueller and his investigation.
Dowd declined to explain why he was leaving the team that is helping the president deal with the Russia investigation. But a source familiar with Dowd's thinking says he was tired and frustrated, in a draining job with not enough resources and with a client who was not taking his advice.
When reached by phone all Dowd would say is, "I love the president and wish him well."
Trump's legal team is in the midst of ongoing discussions with Mueller over a possible interview with President Trump. Dowd recently described them as "productive and constructive." Speaking at a White House event Thursday after news of the resignation broke, the president told reporters he would like to speak to investigators as part of the Mueller probe.
Over the weekend, however, Dowd suggested that the Mueller investigation be shut down. At first, he said he was speaking as the president's counsel; then he walked it back to say he was speaking for himself.