After the House voted Thursday to narrowly approve a Republican-drafted bill that would eliminate many of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, KQED collected statements made by California's members of Congress explaining why they voted the way they did.
We gathered comments made via social media and on the floor of the House, as well as from press releases sent out by each member's office. We included links to their Twitter and Facebook pages where you can see some of their statements, plus additional comments they've made.
For California's congressional representatives, the vote split along party lines: all 14 Republicans voted in support of the bill; all 38 Democrats against (an additional seat remains vacant after Xavier Becerra was named the state's attorney general). We have included a searchable table of the votes at the end of this post.
The House bill now moves to the Senate, where its fate is far from certain.
Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale, District 1)
“Here’s what we know: Obamacare is collapsing. Insurance providers are pulling out of the exchanges, premiums are continuing to skyrocket, and choices for Americans are dwindling – and it will only get worse.
Unfortunately, the reality is that too many young and healthy individuals are deciding they’d rather pay the penalty than sign up for care, citing financial barriers and lack of choice. A 28 year old making $45,000 a year with no major health concerns is not going to pay upwards of $400 a month for a plan that does not even work for them.
And they are not alone. In fact, in 2015, 7.5 million people chose to pay the penalty rather than purchase coverage. That same year, over 12 million filed for hardship exemptions. That’s nearly 20 million people that actively are not in the market today.
This causes premiums in the individual market to continue to rise, leaving middle income families struggling to afford their monthly payments, while providers continue to drop out, citing costs, and leaving residents with even fewer choices. Premiums are up 25% nationally and predicted to continue to rise, while one third of counties will have just one insurer this year.
From my very first day in Congress, the constituents of Northern California have pleaded that we get this law repealed and replaced with something that actually works for them. We also know that there will be no help from Democrats, forcing us to use the budget reconciliation process which requires only 51 votes in the Senate as opposed to 60 - Republicans have 52 votes.
The Senate Parliamentarian requires every measure to have a budgetary effect. Without budget reconciliation, this bill would need 60 votes to pass and would be dead upon arrival in the Senate – sticking Americans with the high costs of Obamacare for another year. This was our one and only shot to get this done using the budget reconciliation process.
The rules of reconciliation force the House to be cautious not to exceed parliamentary guidelines, but the Senate will have significantly more flexibility in their own chamber to test parliamentary limits.
Simultaneously, we passed legislation today that will ensure Members of Congress and staff are subject to the same healthcare options as the constituents they serve. This bill is not a finished product, but it’s a start. The American Healthcare Act is a positive step that will ultimately return the freedom of choice back to the patient.”
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Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael, District 2)
“The narrow, party-line passage of TrumpCare today in the House is a disaster for the availability and quality of health insurance for my constituents and for our neighbors and families all across the country. TrumpCare will take away health coverage from 24 million Americans, gut coverage for mental health and other essential benefits, increase premiums 25-29% on average in each of the next two years, threaten funding for special education services in schools, impose an age tax on seniors, and it will once again allow discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions like asthma and diabetes.
At its core, TrumpCare is a massive tax break for the wealthiest of Americans, with the Republican Congress playing the role of a ‘reverse Robin Hood’: robbing health care from millions of Americans in order to hand out $600 billion in tax breaks to our country’s richest people and largest corporations. The Trumps, Kushners, and Kochs do not need this assistance from Congress. You know who does? The families across my district -- and across the country -- who rely on Medicaid, and on the health insurance that they purchase, to keep their families healthy and to recover from health crises. ...
While Trumpcare’s passage in the House today is a hard loss, there is a long road ahead before this becomes law. We have our work cut out for us, and we will need to keep up the impressive level of engagement that made it so difficult for President Trump and Congressional Republicans to even have this vote today.”
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John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove, District 3)
“This bill is atrocious. It is cruel. I simply cannot believe that something this bad could pass the House of Representatives, but it has.
This bill will strip 24 million people of their health insurance. It is a crushing age tax for Americans of 50-64 years of age, and will force them to pay up to five times as much as what a 30-year-old would pay for the same coverage. It will destabilize funding for Medicare, taking $75 billion out of the trust fund, and blow a $10 billion annual hole in MediCal.
It will practically eliminate the guarantee of coverage for pre-existing conditions, which could affect over 300,000 people in my district. But it will provide a massive, $600 billion tax cut to America’s richest.
It is an outright assault on the poor and the sick, and a huge transfer of wealth to the rich. Even worse, the Republican majority rushed to a vote on it without giving the Congressional Budget Office a chance to tell us just how bad it is.
I served for eight years as the Insurance Commissioner of California. I know exactly what insurance companies will do under policies that gives them free rein, and that’s what this bill does. The amendments that were put on this bill at the last second do nothing to reduce the devastation it will impose on America’s most vulnerable. It is a sad day in Congress.”
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Tom McClintock (R-Elk Grove, District 4)
“Obamacare is collapsing. Last year’s average premium increase of 25 percent is expected to balloon by another 40 percent this year. Last year there was only one provider in a third of American counties; this year entire regions will be without ANY providers. This week we learned Obamacare policies will NOT be available at any price in almost all of Iowa. Last year, more Americans opted to pay the steep tax penalty or request hardship exclusions than chose to purchase Obamacare plans they didn’t want and couldn’t afford.
The American Health Care Act replaces the compulsory one-size-fits-all bureaucratic model of Obamacare with a voluntary, patient-centered system by restoring a healthy competitive market, where patients will have the widest range of choices and the freedom to choose the plan that best meets their needs -- along with a supportive tax system to assure that plans are within their financial reach. Patients with pre-existing conditions are guaranteed coverage at affordable rates.
I had hoped the reforms could be enacted as a single, comprehensive bill. Conspicuously lacking in the AHCA is a provision to restore the freedom of consumers to shop across state lines, which will be vital to Californians stuck in the highly-regulated state system. But the AHCA moves us quickly toward a consumer-friendly health-care system and follow-up legislation will assure that Californians can access reformed markets in all fifty states.
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Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena, District 5)
“This was a terrible bill in March, and it is a worse bill today. We already knew it would leave millions of Americans out in the cold and cause healthcare costs to skyrocket. Now, Republicans want to break their promise to protect people with pre-existing conditions by allowing insurers to price them out of coverage. That’s not protection, it’s extortion. Americans deserve better. I’ve spoken with thousands of my constituents who overwhelmingly oppose this bill. Republicans ought to listen to the people they serve, not a President who wants to make good on a campaign slogan despite what it will cost hardworking men and women across the country.”
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Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento, District 6)
“The American people watched as House Republicans and President Trump turned their backs on them today.
This ACA repeal bill will be devastating for nearly every American family. Parents will have less access to things like pediatric and emergency care. School districts will be forced to ration services for children with disabilities. Millions of Americans will see costs sky rocket if they have a pre-existing condition like cancer, asthma, or mental illness. Americans nearing retirement will pay a crippling age tax and seniors will see the Medicare and Medicaid programs they rely on for health and long term care put at risk.
With the passage of this bill, millions across the country are now less certain of their future.”
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Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove, District 7)
“While the House Republicans celebrate at the White House, millions of hardworking Americans are worrying about whether they will be able to stay on their health care plans.
I don’t want to go back to a time when my patients* would have to make health care decisions based on their insurance coverage, and this bill is going to make it a lot harder for people with treatable diseases like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and survivors of cancer and assault to get health care.
We cannot play politics with people’s lives, and what happened today put political goals ahead of the lives of hardworking Americans. The fact that this bill was rushed through with no budget analysis or public debate shows just how bad it is. This is a sad day for America’s patients, and for the public’s trust in Congress.”
*Before serving in Congress, Dr. Bera practiced internal medicine, served as Sacramento County’s Chief Medical Officer, and taught at the UC Davis School of Medicine.
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Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley, District 8)
“Today I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives in voting to continue the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare. The American Health Care Act is not a perfect bill, but it’s a significant improvement over the failing system created by Obamacare.
The American Health Care Act returns freedom to our state governments to shape health care policies that make sense for those states, rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all solution from Washington. Additionally, it maintains vital protections such as preventing insurers from discriminating based on pre-existing conditions and dedicates billions of dollars to establish high-risk insurance pools to guarantee that coverage remains affordable. It also restores freedom to American families by allowing them to choose the plan that works best for them.
Under Obamacare’s regulations, many counties and even some entire states were limited to a single plan on the health care exchanges denying patients any choice in their health care. There is still significant work to be done before this bill goes to the President’s desk and I look forward to the Senate continuing to improve this bill before it becomes law.”
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Jerry McNerney (D-Stockton, District 9)
“Today, is a sad day for the future of the American health care system. Republicans voted to pass a bill that would take health care from millions of people across the country, including 263,000 constituents of mine who have health insurance because of the Affordable Care Act.
This Republican-led bill will not only jeopardize Americans’ health care benefits, it will also have a serious impact on our local economies, which have greatly benefited from expanded coverage. In my district alone, it would eliminate 4,000 jobs.
Health care should not be a partisan issue and I’m deeply disappointed that my colleagues across the aisle have turned this basic right into a battle between the two parties.”
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Jeff Denham (R-Atwater, District 10)
“The American Health Care Act, as amended, is a good first step toward putting control over personal healthcare choices back into the hands of individuals -- not the federal government -- while ensuring important protections remain in place for those with pre-existing conditions and in high risk pools.
While coverage in the Valley has expanded -- and that’s a good thing -- the access issues that existed before the ACA have only gotten worse with the expanded coverage. California ranks 48th in the U.S. for Medicaid reimbursement rates, creating a disincentive for physicians to accept more patients covered through Medi-Cal.
This coupled with the fact that we have been unable to recruit new physicians to our district has created a situation where coverage does not necessarily equal care and families must resort to overflowing emergency rooms to be seen.
All Americans should have the freedom to choose a healthcare plan that works best for their families, and as a parent, I understand that this choice is especially important when it comes to the care of young children. I will continue to fight for access to affordable health care options for the Valley.”
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Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, District 11)
“What took place on the floor of the House of Representatives is shocking, sad, and will -- with no hyperbole -- if passed by the Senate result in people dying.
Under Trumpcare, 24 million Americans will be kicked off their health insurance, those living with pre-existing conditions ranging from cancer to autism will witness their premiums skyrocket, seniors will be forced to pay 5 times more for their health care than the average American, and 30 million children will lose critical services by cutting Medicaid, all in the name of massive tax cuts for the wealthy.”
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Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, District 12)
Pelosi’s opening remarks ahead of vote on the House floor:
“Good afternoon, everyone. I’m honored to be here with the distinguished members of the House Democratic Leadership, as well as some of our members who are joining us. It was very interesting to see the debate today. I think there is no question that Democrats won the debate. Republicans have the majority -- they won the vote. But, the American people now have to judge them by how they have acted -- not by how we have characterized what they stand for. Now, they are on record.
As I said, this vote will be tattooed to them. As I also said, they will glow in the dark. This is a great civics lesson for America because most people don’t know who their member of Congress is. Well they do now. They know them as a member of Congress who made their premiums and out-of-pocket go up, had a crushing age tax on those 50 to 64, have (made) 24 million people fewer have access to health care, health insurance, and again, being very casual, undermining recklessly Medicare.
It’s true to their philosophy that Medicare should 'wither on the vine.’ Any moderate in the crowd who voted for this bill turned radical today, because this is a radical bill.
And you know what it’s all about, sadly? It’s not about families sitting down at the dinner table and saying, ‘How are we going to allocate resources so that our child with a pre-existing condition can have health care?’ Or, ‘How are we going to deal with a person with a disability into older age?’ This is about giving a tax break to the richest people in our country and corporate America at the expense of those people at that dinner table -- very sad.
One of the biggest transfers of wealth in the history of our country. But, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity because the public will now see what they gave their name to. They have put their name next to your paying more for less. And we’ll make sure that the public is aware of that.
I think they walk the plank. They were -- I don’t know -- duped into walking the plank for a bill that will not become law. But I guess their desire to give a tax break for the rich just trumped everything.”
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Barbara Lee (D-Oakland, District 13)
“The American Health Care Act (AHCA) is an evil bill that rips healthcare from 24 million Americans while handing $600 billion to the wealthy and big corporations. This heartless legislation allows states to gut essential health benefits that require insurers to provide basic services like maternity care, cancer screenings and mental healthcare.
The drastic cuts in the Republican repeal plan gut services for children with disabilities, increases costs for cancer patients, steals from seniors and allows insurance companies to price-gouge people with pre-existing conditions.
Today Republicans’ core values were on full display, demonstrating the disgusting belief that only the rich are worthy of access to healthcare. Losing the lifesaving coverage provided by the Affordable Care Act would be a death sentence for thousands of Americans. I urge Republicans in the Senate to reject this disastrous bill and work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act.”
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Jackie Speier (D-Peninsula, District 14)
“I am often disappointed about votes taken on the House these days but yesterday I was sick to my stomach. The callousness and greed that was the basis of the Republican victory is incomprehensible. More than 24 million vulnerable Americans will lose their health care so that the uber wealthy can enjoy a huge tax cut. That's what this vote was all about. And my colleagues across the aisle applauded and roared.”
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Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin, District 15)
“Yesterday, House Republicans passed a Trumpcare bill that will raise the cost of premiums, will kick 24 million people off of their coverage, and no longer ensures coverage for Americans with preexisting conditions.
But the fight is not over. People across America -- especially here in the East Bay -- are determined to be heard and stop Republicans from making it more expensive for all of us to see a doctor.
I'll never forget seeing my Republican colleagues cheering on the House Floor as they voted for this hurtful bill. Within minutes of its passage, a constituent texted me that she was terrified for the future of her two children, both whom have preexisting conditions. She was not cheering, and I know millions of people like her are scared for the future. The Senate should burn this bill and do all it can to ensure everyone has health care.”
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Jim Costa (D-Fresno, District 16)
“Congressional Republican leaders and the Trump Administration have spent several weeks negotiating, and the end result of those negotiations made a disastrous health care bill even worse.
The American people have demanded solutions that improve their health care outcomes from Congress, and this legislation fails to meet that test. If the American Health Care Act is enacted into law, then millions of Americans, including many of our friends and neighbors in the San Joaquin Valley, will either see their health care costs rise substantially or they will completely lose their coverage.
Unconscionably, this legislation will also reduce the health care options available to our nation’s veterans, betraying our nation’s heroes after they have served our country.
The fact is that hundreds of thousands of Valley residents have gained health care coverage, and the uninsured rate in my district alone has been cut in half due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
The ACA is not perfect, and I’ve always been clear in saying that the law needs to be fixed, but the American Health Care Act, in its current form, is not the solution.
We must come together to find a bipartisan way to improve our health care system. I have been saying this for years, and I believe it now as much as ever. Only by working across the aisle, Republicans and Democrats together, can we address the challenges with our health care system to provide Americans -- all Americans -- access to quality and affordable health care coverage.
I sincerely hope that our U.S. Senators take a serious look at how this legislation would negatively impact our country’s health care system and either substantially change, or simply oppose, this bill. It is time to stop this needless partisan bickering and make the changes necessary in our health care system to improve health care outcomes and reduce costs for all Americans.”
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Ro Khanna (D-Fremont, District 17)
“Today, the House had a choice. We could cast a vote to uphold our country’s values and keep people healthy, keep them secure, and keep improving care. Or a vote could be made that places corporate interests ahead of working families’ livelihood. I am disappointed to say that (the) latter happened.
The House GOP chose to gut The Affordable Care Act, a bill that provides more than 20 million people with health insurance with protections that allow fewer than 10 percent of the population to remain uninsured. This afternoon, congressional Republicans chose to halt the progress made on improving the nation’s health and livelihood, and instead put the country on a path to higher costs, less coverage, fewer protections, and larger premiums. All for a massive tax cut for millionaires and billionaires.
As the bill moves to the Senate, I encourage my colleagues in the other chamber not to make the same mistake that happened today. That senators listen to their constituents’ stories on how important health care is to them. The fight doesn’t end here, I will continue to advocate for improvements on ways people access and pay for health care, including Medicare for all.”
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Anna Eshoo (D-Silicon Valley, District 18)
“Today House Republicans voted once again to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Their so-called health care bill will rob 24 million Americans from insurance coverage, including the evisceration of essential health benefits like ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity, newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, prescription drugs, rehabilitation services and devices, laboratory services, preventive services and pediatric services.
Trumpcare will result in less coverage for fewer Americans at higher costs; imposes a crushing tax on older Americans between the ages of 50-64; and strips away Medicaid from millions of low-income families and children.
They have brought their legislation to the Floor with an amendment written in the dead-of-night that will push Americans with pre-existing conditions off their insurance and into high risk pools where they will face soaring costs with less coverage and restricted care.
And their process is as bad as the bill. It has not been subjected for analysis for costs and impacts by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the American people have no idea what it will cost.
This bill is wrong, it’s immoral and it dishonors my constituents, the people of our country and the great values of our nation.”
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Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose, District 19)
“Today Republicans jammed through a bill that's very wrong. It's a $600 billion tax cut for the wealthiest Americans which throws millions of people off their health care insurance. It raises costs and lowers care which is why patient groups including cancer survivors oppose it.”
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Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley, District 20)
“This flawed bill puts millions of Americans at risk of losing their health care. It is disheartening that this bill targets the most vulnerable among us, including those living with pre-existing conditions, expectant mothers, veterans, and those seeking treatment for mental health. I voted against this bill, and I urge my colleagues in the Senate to do the same. Instead of enacting this carelessly crafted, partisan bill, we in Congress should be working together to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health care.”
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David Valadao (R-Hanford, District 21)
“Obamacare is failing. Under the law, our Central Valley communities were prevented from recruiting medical professionals, our emergency rooms were overflowing, and parents were unable to choose the best healthcare options for their children. As a parent, there is absolutely nothing more important to me than ensuring families have access to quality, affordable health insurance. Possession of an insurance card does not equate to healthcare services and medical treatment. The American Health Care Act will stabilize our healthcare system, ensuring our community has access to high quality, affordable health care."
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Devin Nunes (R- Tulare, District 22)
“The House of Representatives took a big step today toward abolishing the failing Obamacare program and replacing it with a system that provides much better care at lower prices. Central Valley residents have been saddled for far too long with high prices, while many Medi-Cal participants are burdened by minimal healthcare choices, with some participants even forced to travel to the Bay Area or Los Angeles to see specialists. The bill passed by the House today will make healthcare available to every American who wants it while protecting those with pre-existing conditions.”
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Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield, District 23)
McCarthy's comments on the House floor:
"Americans are a practical people. We know that we can have fair healthcare for those who need it without trapping everyone in a government run system.
You know what doesn't cover pre-existing conditions? A health care system with no insurers."
McCarthy's comments on Twitter:
“Doing nothing is not an option. The American people are tied to Obamacare’s sinking ship, and we have to act now.
For seven years, Obamacare has failed America. The time has come to repeal and replace it.
Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara, District 24)
“In order to get their harmful legislation passed, the House Majority took a bill that leaves 24 million Americans without health insurance -- and made it even worse. The AHCA leaves Central Coast families with fewer protections, allowing insurers to make coverage prohibitively expensive for people with pre-existing conditions. Millions more will see their premiums and out-of-pocket costs increase 25% on average, with an added ‘Age Tax’ imposed on Americans over fifty.
It is unacceptable for the House Majority to have forced a vote on legislation that will impact millions of lives without knowing its full cost or its harmful effects. I hope that my colleagues in the Senate will put the health of the American people over politics, and reject this misguided legislation.”
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Steve Knight (R-Santa Clarita, District 25)
“As a husband to a nurse, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges families and patients face under our current health law, which is why today I voted in support of the American Health Care Act. I believe that our nation’s families deserve a healthcare system that is affordable and sustainable, not just for the next five years, but for generations to come.
The reality is that the Affordable Care Act is failing across the country by making care more expensive and in many places, severely limiting choices. It’s not just failing in other states, it will eventually fail in California too. Action is required right now to replace its most damaging aspects before many families have no choices at all.
I am pleased that the House adopted an amendment I authored that would ensure that individuals with pre-existing conditions are protected in every situation for every family, in every state, especially California. I have strongly advocated for and promised this throughout the entire discussion. This is a good first step, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to offer solutions that will address the problems faced by our current system and allow Americans access to the care they need.”
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Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village, District 26)
“We have known for months that the GOP healthcare bill could strip roughly 7 million veterans of eligibility for healthcare tax credit assistance. Despite warnings from our veterans service organizations, and pleas from veterans across the country, President Trump and Speaker Ryan have recklessly forged ahead despite the consequences. While I am deeply concerned about many aspects of this bill, the rush to put politics ahead of people, and the impact it could have on our veterans as a consequence, is simply shameful.”
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Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park, District 27)
“I am incredibly saddened and outraged that Republicans ignored the expressed opposition from doctors, hospitals, patient advocates, health experts and even members of their own party to pass this heartless bill. It is unconscionable to me that they would charge ahead with -- and then celebrate -- a vote that they know will force millions off their insurance and raise prices for people with preexisting conditions.
Worse, their rush to vote on this bill meant there wasn’t even time for the Congressional Budget Office to score the fiscal and human costs of the final version. The haste to act and then immediately hop on a bus to the White House shows that they were more concerned with helping Trump keep a campaign promise than with actually improving healthcare.
This bill will have serious consequences for the people of California in particular. One provision of this bill would deny subsidies to any healthcare plan that covers abortion. Meaning that in California, where all plans are required to cover abortion, healthcare costs will rise astronomically because Californians will be ineligible for tax credits.
This bill also threatens to kick 7 million veterans off their insurance, shortens the life of Medicare, allows people aged 50-64 to be charged 5 times more than young people, and eliminates coverage for 24 million Americans, including nearly 2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the country. It defunds Planned Parenthood for one year, and would once again allow being a rape or domestic violence victim to be a pre-existing condition.
This bill creates a 'women’s tax' that would permit insurance companies to charge women more than men for essential coverage like pregnancy.
Trumpcare would cut $838 billion from Medicaid, endangering care for individuals with disabilities, low-income children, and seniors in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
In the midst of the worst opioid epidemic our nation has ever seen, it rips mental health and addiction services away from those who need it most. Trumpcare does all this while giving the 400 richest families in America an annual tax break of $2.8 million.
As we have said in the past, Democrats remain willing and eager to work to improve the Affordable Care Act. But this was not an improvement. This was a cruel attack on vulnerable Americans, especially those with preexisting conditions.
An improvement is a plan that will increase access for all Americans, keep costs down, and ensure that being sick or a woman or a senior is not an excuse to be denied coverage.”
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Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, District 28)
“Today I voted no on the American Health Care Act, or TrumpCare. This ill-considered bill would reduce the number of insured Americans by at least 24 million, eliminate essential health benefits, increase costs for older Americans and women, and deny care for countless Americans with a preexisting condition. And all of this is being done to fund tax breaks for wealthy families.
The House Majority drafted this bill behind closed doors and rushed it to a vote without analysis from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, because they know CBO’s verdict on how many millions will lose their access to care will be devastating.
Speaker Ryan pulled this bill from a vote in March after a public outcry. Rather than go back to the drawing board to draft a bill that improves on the progress of the ACA, the Administration decided instead to cater to the extreme elements of their caucus. This bill keeps the same damaging policies in the first bill and adds an amendment that allows states to discriminate against the 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.
House Republicans had to pull out all the stops to pass a bill this bad, but make no mistake, the fight isn’t over. A large majority of Americans know that this bill will hurt their families and millions of others, and they’re counting on us to fight for continued access to healthcare for all.”
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Tony Cardenas (D-San Fernando Valley, District 29)
“Today the Republicans voted for a bill that does the exact opposite of what they claim. They claim that it will reduce premiums -- it will not. They claim that more people will have healthcare -- that is not true. They say that it will protect people with pre-existing conditions -- that is a lie. This legislation strips healthcare coverage from 24 million Americans, puts an age-tax on seniors, defunds Planned Parenthood, and gives a massive tax break to millionaires and billionaires. This bill puts us on a road of economic disaster and will hurt working families.”
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Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks, District 30)
“This bill was written behind closed doors and the American public has not been given the time to understand the devastating effects it would have on them and their families.
Republicans claim that this bill is a panacea to cure the ills of our health care system but TrumpCare is a poison for America’s health care system, not an antidote.
Here is what we do know the bill will lead to:
-24 million Americans will lose health coverage under TrumpCare;
-Insurance costs will skyrocket for those who have preexisting conditions, if they are lucky enough to keep their coverage in the first place;
-Americans who get health care through their employer will not be spared -- millions everywhere are at risk of losing protection against lifetime caps on insurance;
-TrumpCare will cost American lives.
I refuse to support any effort that pulls the plug on health care for millions of the most vulnerable Americans.
I voted no on TrumpCare and will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to ‘Make America Sick Again.’”
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Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernadino, District 31)
“Legislation that strips 24 million Americans of their coverage and discriminates against millions more who are living with pre-existing conditions is not a health care bill -- for some, it is a death sentence.
This bill will punish cancer survivors, kids with asthma and diabetes, and women. Women will be at the mercy of their insurance companies over whether or not they have coverage for maternity care.
Trumpcare is a heartless policy. Donald Trump and House Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.”
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Grace Napolitano (D-El Monte, District 32)
“The Affordable Care Act extended health coverage, including lifesaving mental health services, to millions who were never able to get coverage before it became law, thanks largely to Medicaid expansion in California and 31 other states. It banned insurance companies from denying care due to pre-existing conditions, such as Bipolar disorder, Cancer, or Diabetes, giving peace of mind to San Gabriel Valley residents and millions nationwide.
It is absolutely appalling that President Trump and House Republicans would now eliminate these protections and restore the worst industry practices, sending us back to the dark ages.
I am infuriated by the result of the vote, yet I will continue to fight to increase health and mental health services for every man, woman, and child in this country.
Thank you to all of my constituents who called, wrote, and contacted me online, sharing your personal stories and voicing your opposition to TrumpCare. This is so critical for the San Gabriel Valley, and I remain focused as we look to the Senate.”
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Ted Lieu (D-Torrance, District 33)
“The AHCA not only harms people with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, it lets insurers charge five TIMES MORE on seniors.
Any of us can wake up tomorrow with a preexisting condition. Trumpcare lets insurers jack up your premiums and after 5 years it's game over.”
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District 34: Vacancy
Norma Torres (D-Pomona, District 35)
“I voted against the American Health Care Act, because it jeopardizes the health and financial security of my constituents, as well as the millions of men, women, and children across this country who would no longer have access to quality, affordable health care.
There are more than 300,000 residents of the 35th congressional district who rely on Medi-Cal and thousands more who were able to gains insurance for the first time thanks to the ACA. There is no question that this legislation would make it more difficult and expensive for seniors, families, and people with disabilities to access care.
Instead of rushing this bill to the President’s desk, Republicans should be working with Democrats to improve our health care system. We all want to lower costs and expand access to affordable healthcare, and the bill we voted on today does neither.
I hope the Senate will be the voice of reason and put a stop to this train wreck before it is too late.”
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Raul Ruiz (D-Palm Desert, District 36)
“Today I voted against the terrible American Health Care Act that will harm patients, my constituents, and the American people.
This legislation drives up out-of-pocket costs for seniors and families, allows insurers to drop patients with pre-existing illness, establishes an 'Age Tax' that will increase prices for seniors, and results in at least 24 million more uninsured Americans.
It also takes away guarantees for coverage of essential benefits like prescription drugs, mental health services, emergency care, and maternity care. All while giving $600 billion in tax cuts to the wealthiest.
As an emergency physician, I am outraged the House could pass a bill that does so much harm to patients. I will continue to fight against this bill and to improve health care for all Americans.”
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Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles, District 37)
“Today, the House of Representatives passed Trumpcare 2.0, forgetting those with pre-existing conditions in favor of a plan that won’t cover substance use treatment, mental health treatment, or maternity care.
There’s no way to tell how much this will cost those living in my district, as House Republicans rushed the bill through without a final price score, but we do know that this bill will cost people their lives.
The fate of our health care now rests in the Senate’s hands to protect hundreds of thousands of Californians and millions more Americans that stand to lose their coverage should the plan become law. Know that despite this setback, our fight continues.”
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Linda Sanchez (D-Orange, District 38)
“I can’t believe we’re here again to vote, or not, on the Republican’s so-called health care bill. Let me remind my colleagues that we are finally here only after Republicans failed to even hold a vote on March 24th and then offered extreme multiple failed amendments to appease the furthest right of their party.
But I have to give it to them, it takes real cojones to stand here for a vote on a bill that they know provides zero health care benefits for the American people. It takes real fortitude and conviction to stand up for a bill that cuts coverage 24 million Americans, guts Medicaid, reduces the solvency of Medicare, and segregates the sickest.
The truth is Republicans lack the bravery to call this bill what it really is -- a massive tax cut for the rich on the backs of working moms and dads and the sick. They lack the integrity to do the hard work it takes to craft an actual health care bill that would build upon current law and improve the health of Americans.
I implore my colleagues to come to their senses, vote against this terrible bill, and work with us to continue improving health care in this country for all Americans.”
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Ed Royce (R-Fullerton, District 39)
“Under current law, Southern Californians are paying more and more for fewer choices. Too many families are struggling with premiums that are out of control. And things are only getting worse.
That’s why I voted today to move the reform process forward. This bill, while far from perfect, is a step toward lowering costs, protecting those with pre-existing conditions and expanding choices for everyone.
As we continue this important work, I will continue to listen to my constituents and fight for solutions that protect our most vulnerable."
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Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles, District 40)
“On this National Day of Prayer, I ask Divine forgiveness for the shameful vote the House of Representatives has taken to eradicate health care coverage for so many vulnerable Americans. I strongly opposed this monstrous bill.
The Republicans’ American Health Care Act is not an attempt to fix the ACA, nor is it an effort to offer a comparable replacement plan. The bill we voted on today is simply a response to campaign promises to repeal Obamacare, and if enacted, it will hurt all Americans in all communities at some point in their lives.
Trumpcare will embezzle health care from 24 million hard-working Americans, with no replacement plan to expand coverage to any currently uninsured individuals.
The bill will destroy protections for the 133 million Americans who have pre-existing conditions, making it all but impossible for these Americans fighting illness to afford the health coverage they desperately need.
It will abolish mandatory coverage for Essential Health Benefits and preventive services such as maternity care, mental health services and routine cancer screenings, allowing greedy health insurers to once again offer less care for more money.
It will force families to pay higher premiums and deductibles, and will increase out-of-pocket costs. And Americans aged 50-64 will face the most severe consequences of premium increases. No matter how healthy they are, they will be forced to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay for health coverage.
It will deny individuals protection against annual and lifetime spending caps, thus threatening the future financial stability of millions of individuals and families.
It will shorten the life of the Medicare Trust Fund and ransack Medicaid resources that seniors depend on to get the long-term care they need.
It will prevent Planned Parenthood from being reimbursed for health care it offers through federal programs like Medicaid. That will prevent Americans from using the provider of their choice when they seek preventive care.
And finally, the bill will eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund, slashing more than one-tenth of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s budget. States stand to lose over $3 billion in funds they rely on to prevent chronic disease, halt the spread of infections, and invest in community resources that support healthier lives.
This shameful bill will do all of these things in order to give nearly $600 billion in tax breaks to high-income earners and health insurers.
It is unconscionable that this destructive legislation has been shoved through the House despite nearly unanimous opposition from every health professional, hospital, health clinic, disease group, and patient advocacy organization in the country.
I commend those of my Republican colleagues who showed the courage today to vote against this ruthless attack on America’s health.
And I pray that heaven will guide the hearts of our Senate colleagues to show their humanity and reject this callous assault on women, children, older Americans, individuals with disabilities, and hard-working families all across America.”
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Mark Takano (D-Riverside, District 41)
“I’ve often warned my constituents and colleagues that the modern Republican Party is more interested in cutting taxes on the wealthy than providing affordable health care to working families. I am truly sorry to have been right.
The American Health Care Act makes clear that President Trump, Speaker Ryan, and the House Republican Caucus will sacrifice the basic needs of Americans for a tax cut and a political victory.
The list of those who would be harmed by the AHCA is jarring. An estimated 24 million Americans would lose access to affordable care, an $880 billion cut to Medicaid would have serious and lasting effects on low-income families, and in many states the AHCA would leave seniors and those with pre-existing conditions facing exorbitant premiums. Even veterans are not spared: This bill jeopardizes access to tax credits for the 7 million veterans who are eligible but not enrolled at the VA.
There are no solutions in this bill. There are no remedies for the high cost of care. There is no support for those who need it most. There is only a political victory for a Republican Party that has lost its compassion for the American people."
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Ken Calvert (R-Corona, District 42)
“My vote for the American Health Care Act fulfills a promise I made to voters to save them from the harmful effects far too many of them have experienced since Obamacare was enacted into law.
The American Health Care Act lays the groundwork for delivering the health care system Americans deserve by dismantling one-size-fits-all Obamacare and puts in its place policies that will create sustainable, market-driven, patient-focused health care options.
Every day we see more evidence that Obamacare is collapsing. Americans weren’t able to keep the health plans they liked, lost access to doctors they preferred, experienced premium and deductible increases, and witnessed health care providers leave the marketplace in droves.
Americans deserve real health care solutions and the peace of mind that comes along with those solutions.
Many of the constituents I have heard from believe we need to fix our broken health care system, but they are understandably concerned about access to affordable health care if they have a pre-existing condition. I share those concerns and want my constituents to know that the American Health Care Act does protect people with pre-existing conditions and puts in place a number of steps to maintain affordable access to care.
The American Health Care Act moves away from Obamacare’s Washington-driven health care system by empowering families with their own health care decisions, giving them the flexibility to purchase health care products that meet the specific needs of their family.
Our bill protects the most vulnerable Americans by strengthening Medicaid while providing a stable transition to make sure the rug is not pulled out from anyone.
Unlike Americans who receive health insurance from their employer, individuals who purchase health insurance on their own don’t receive a tax benefit when paying their premiums.
Our bill fixes that inequity in our tax code by providing those Americans with an advanceable, refundable tax credit to help them buy insurance and create more competition in the insurance market.
It is important for all Americans to know that the passage of the American Health Care Act is part of a three-pronged process to improve our health care system. This bill is not a silver bullet.
The Department of Health and Human Services will need to drastically reform the health care regulations that allowed Washington bureaucrats to make far too many decisions that should be made by patients and their doctors.
Lastly, Congress must pass legislation that is not restricted by the budget reconciliation process to further improve our federal health care policies and increase choice, competition and affordability.”
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Maxine Waters (D-Inglewood, District 43)
“I am disgusted by today’s passage of Republicans’ Obamacare repeal bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. Donald Trump campaigned on repealing Obamacare, and Republicans have had over seven years to present healthcare legislation that they claimed would be better than Obamacare.
After their embarrassing failure to produce a plan and unite their caucus in March, they are now so desperate to secure a legislative victory that they jammed through a half-baked bill that will jeopardize the lives of millions of Americans.
This is a heartless and malicious ploy by Trump and his Republican allies in Congress, and they will all pay the price with their constituents.
Trumpcare will cause 24 million Americans to lose their health coverage, slash Medicaid by $880 billion, and gut protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions. It will impose a crushing age tax on older Americans, many of whom live on fixed incomes and have serious health issues, making their premiums five times higher than what others pay for the same coverage.
And to make matters worse, as Trumpcare forces families to pay higher premiums and deductibles, it will simultaneously provide $600 billion in tax cuts for large corporations and the wealthiest families in this country -- a move that Trump and House Republicans have conveniently hidden in the text of their bill.
How many times did Donald Trump promise that he would come up with a ‘new’ and ‘better’ health care plan? How many times did he ensure Americans that his plan would have a ‘lesser cost’? How many times did he reiterate that there would be ‘insurance for everybody’?
The bill that Trump negotiated, and House Republicans passed today, proves once again that Trump is nothing but a liar and a con man who only wants one thing -- a cheap victory for himself and the wealthiest people in this country -- and he couldn’t care less if that victory comes at the expense of millions of hard-working Americans and their families.
I am thoroughly outraged by the passage of such a reckless and ill-conceived bill that will hurt so many Americans. I stand with Congressional Democrats as we fight to stop this bill from passing the Senate and hold House Republicans accountable for this catastrophic assault on low- and middle-income families across this nation.”
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Nanette Barragan (D-San Pedro, District 44)
“I'm voting NO on Trumpcare because it still guts key protections, steals from Medicare, and leaves 24 million Americans w/o coverage.”
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Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel, District 45)
“Today, the House of Representatives delivered on a promise that Republicans made to the American people seven years ago: to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Our legislation, the American Health Care Act, will lower premiums and expand choices for hard working Americans.
It will also continue to ensure guaranteed coverage regardless of an individual’s health status, and allow families to keep children on their insurance plans until age 26.
Since I decided to run for Congress, I gave the people of Orange County my word that I would work to ensure all Americans have access to an affordable, patient-centered healthcare system.
The Affordable Care Act has clearly failed the American people through unaffordable premiums and deductibles, massive tax burdens on small businesses, and collapsing healthcare exchanges. I am honored to join my colleagues in the House to pass this landmark legislation for the American people.”
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Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana, District 46)
“Today Congress voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act by a margin of 217 to 213. Twenty Republicans stood with Democrats but we were unable to stop the repeal. With all the good ACA has done for this country it is sad that so many would be willing to throw it away. I am afraid that -- once again -- America’s most vulnerable will take the brunt of this repeal. I will continue to fight to protect people and their access to healthcare.”
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Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach, District 47)
“I am appalled by the GOP healthcare bill. I am also dismayed by the abject disregard the GOP seems to have for our fellow Americans. I could not, in any way, vote for this bill. If I could vote no on it 100 times, I would proudly do so. This version of their plan turned out to be worse than the first version, just with a new coat of paint.
Since the GOP first proposed their plan, I received thousands of messages from constituents, as well as visits to my office and my recent town hall, all to let me know about their stories of life before the ACA, and to tell me that they have no interest in going back.
I know that my Republican colleagues heard from their constituents as well-- they should have listened to them.
The GOP offered no coherent vision of who this bill was supposed to help and seemed to ignore the fact that if would hurt tens of millions of Americans. The majority of the American people oppose it; groups representing seniors, hospitals, doctors, patients, and children oppose it; even many Republican House Members opposed it.
This bill guts Medicaid and premium tax credits to those most in need in order to give a huge tax break to the wealthiest Americans and CEOs of insurance companies.
The latest version also allows states to let insurance companies charge seniors and those with pre-existing conditions even more, as well as do away with the essential health benefits guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act.
The Congressional Budget Office made clear, 24 million Americans are going to suffer if this bill becomes law. It is reckless and heartless. I don’t think the American people are going to soon forget today’s vote.”
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Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa, District 48)
“Obamacare was on its own deathbed, risking the health of all Americans as its inevitable end drew closer. Rather than make healthcare more affordable, as the Democrats promised eight years ago, the Obamacare bureaucracy managed to price health insurance out of reach for more and more Americans.
As insurance providers of necessity pulled out of a growing number of states, and with doctors themselves quitting, ordinary Americans faced the peril of losing their coverage.
Congress was obliged to address the looming crisis. The Republican healthcare proposal takes us in the right direction.
While a different approach, it is no less committed to covering Americans with pre-existing conditions.
What we sent to the Senate may not satisfy everyone, but it's vastly superior to the failing Obamacare monstrosity. Ronald Reagan used to say, ‘The ‘status quo’ in Latin means the mess we're in.’ I'm proud to support the Republican healthcare alternative rather than just maintain the status quo.”
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Darrell Issa (R-Vista, District 49)
“Today, we made good on our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. Let's stop pretending Obamacare is going to fix itself or that somehow, someday, it’s going to get better. Today's vote gives a voice to the victims of Obamacare, the millions of Americans who are paying higher premiums, receiving less coverage and for whom the status quo offered no end in sight.
Obamacare is doing real harm to California's families and struggling businesses, and constituents are counting on me to deliver real relief. Obamacare was a failure from the get-go. Now is the time to make it right."
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Duncan D. Hunter (R-Lakeside, District 50)
Juan Vargas (D-San Diego, District 51)
“Today is a disappointing and scary day for millions of Americans. House Republicans voted to take away health care from 24 million people, increase out of pocket costs for families, undermine individuals living with pre-existing conditions, and force seniors to pay more for their health care.
In Congress, we should be working to increase access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans, not turn back the clock on progress. If we want to lower costs and make health care accessible for every American, Trumpcare is not the answer.”
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Scott Peters (D-La Jolla, District 52)
“This vote takes us one step closer to going back to a system where families go bankrupt over an unexpected illness and our emergency rooms are filled with mothers seeking basic care for their children.
I’ve opposed this reckless healthcare repeal bill every step of the way because it will rip coverage away from millions of Americans, increase out-of-pocket costs for working families and seniors, and undermine protections for many Americans with pre-existing conditions.
There are real steps we can take together to fix what’s not working in our healthcare system. Instead, today the House passed a bill that is opposed by doctors, nurses, hospitals, patients, and seniors because it would make the problems in our healthcare system worse, not better.
But this is not over. I will keep fighting to stop this terrible plan from becoming law and get to work on real healthcare reform to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for American families.”
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Susan Davis (D-San Diego, District 53)
“You know a bill is bad when the Republicans' best argument for it is ‘Don’t worry, the bill will be changed in the Senate.’
It’s a sad day for the constituents who called my office worried about losing their coverage. This bill will provide fewer protections, less coverage, and higher costs. All to pay for a major tax cut for millionaires.”
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