Betty Shelby, the Tulsa Police Department officer who shot and killed Terence Crutcher, will be charged with first-degree manslaughter in the case, Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler says.
Kunzweiler announced the charge Thursday afternoon, six days after Crutcher died in a controversial encounter that was captured on video by a police helicopter camera and dashboard cameras.
"A warrant has been issued for her arrest," and arrangements are being made with Shelby's attorney for her surrender, Kunzweiler said in a brief statement about the charge.
Here's how we described the case earlier this week:
"Crutcher, who was black, died next to his SUV that had stopped in the middle of a two-lane road in Tulsa, Okla. Seconds before he was shot, police dashcam and helicopter footage shows, he had walked to his car with his hands held over his head as Officer Betty Shelby walked behind him, her gun raised.
"Shelby, who is white, was one of four police officers who were standing at the rear bumper of Crutcher's car as he stood next to his vehicle around 7:45 p.m. Friday. She's also the officer who shot him once, in the upper body — and who then radioed, "Shots fired." Police say another officer used his Taser on Crutcher at nearly the same time he was shot."
When the Tulsa Police Department released police videos of the moments around Crutcher's death, Chief Chuck Jordan said the footage was "very disturbing; it's very difficult to watch."