This fall, high school students across California created and submitted editorial cartoons in a contest that included schools from Chula Vista in the south to Ukiah in the north. Entries could apply to one of three categories: elections, higher education and nutrition. The contest was organized by the LegiSchool Project, a civic education collaboration between California State University, Sacramento and the State Legislature, which has also recently partnered with The Lowdown. Winners receive a cash prize and a claim to fame by being published, well, right here!
Grand Prize Winner
Allison Goldsmith
Culver City High School, 10th Grade
First Place Winners
Category 1: Higher Education
Mia Campbell-Kiyabu
Culver City High School, 12th Grade
Category 2: Nutrition
Maya Moreno
Chula Vista High School, 12th Grade
"Fakin' bacon"