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California Student Editorial Cartoon Contest: And the Winners Are ...

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This fall, high school students across California created and submitted editorial cartoons in a contest that included schools from Chula Vista in the south to Ukiah in the north. Entries could apply to one of three categories: elections, higher education and nutrition. The contest was organized by the LegiSchool Project, a civic education collaboration between California State University, Sacramento and the State Legislature, which has also recently partnered with The Lowdown. Winners receive a cash prize and a claim to fame by being published, well, right here!

Grand Prize Winner

Allison Goldsmith

Culver City High School, 10th Grade


First Place Winners

Category 1: Higher Education

Mia Campbell-Kiyabu

Culver City High School, 12th Grade

"Crippling debt"
Mia Campbell-Kiyabu

Category 2: Nutrition

Maya Moreno

Chula Vista High School, 12th Grade

"Fakin' bacon"


Maya Moreno



McKayla Taylor

Ukiah High School, 12th Grade

McKayla Taylor

Nalleli Vargas

Lindhurst High School, 12th Grade

Nalleli Vargas

Higher Education

Srishti Goswamy
Culver City High School, 11th Grade

Srishti Goswamy


Zoe-Manon Le Cheminant
Culver City High School, 11th Grade

Zoe-Manon Le Cheminant


Gabrielle Apodaca

Culver City High School, 12th Grade

Gabrielle Apodaca

Isabella Bustanoby

Culver City High School, 9th Grade

Isabella Bustanoby


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