A handful of local restaurants are planning to get rid of tipping, opting instead for a 20 percent service charge that would be automatically included on the bill. The restaurant owners say it would help spread the revenue more evenly amongst waiters and cooks, while critics say it reduces the incentive to provide good service.
Restaurants Replace Tipping with 20 Percent Surcharge

DoorDash announced on Tuesday that it would no longer use customer tips to subsidize delivery workers' pay. (Getty Images)
Gwyneth Borden, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association
Thad Vogler, co-owner of Bar Agricole and Trou Normand, two San Francisco restaurants switching from tips to a required surcharge
Saru Jayaraman, author of "Behind the Kitchen Door," co-founder and co-director of Restaurant Opportunities Centers United and director of the Food Labor Research Center at UC Berkeley
Louis Riviere, has worked as a server and bartender for the last 20 years