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Has Bragging Become an Epidemic?

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 (Ted Aljibe/Getty Images)

Are we witnessing a bragging epidemic, or does it only sometimes feel that way? Facebook gives us a constant stream of parents boasting about their kids’ academics, musical talent and sports prowess while others flaunt their exotic travels and exploits. And there is the so-called “humblebrag,” where the braggart decries some small difficulty while really reminding everyone of why his or her life is so good. Why do we boast? Does it benefit us, and when, if ever, is it OK?


Peggy Klaus, president of Klaus and Associates in Berkeley and author of "BRAG! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It"

Bruce Feiler, columnist for The New York Times and author of "The Secrets of Happy Families"

Benoit Monin, professor of psychology and organizational behavior at Stanford University

Simine Vazire, associate professor in personality science in psychology at Washington University in St. Louis


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