On Thursday morning, Russian forces unleashed an air and land assault on Ukraine, and by day’s end, troops were closing in on the country’s capital Kyiv and had taken control of Chernobyl, the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster. According to the Ukrainian government, at least 57 citizens have been killed and 169 wounded. Meanwhile, civilians attempted to flee cities under missile assault. In a televised statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky committed to the fight saying that “a new iron curtain” is closing around Eastern Europe and his job is to keep Ukraine in the west. President Joe Biden and leaders around the world condemned the Russian invasion, and Biden also announced sanctions against Russia and its leaders. We’ll talk about the latest developments and what lies ahead.
Russia Invades Ukraine. The World Responds.
People take part in a protest to denounce Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24 in Barcelona, Spain. (Zowy Voeten/Getty Images)
John Garamendi, U.S. Representative for California's 3rd congressional district<br />
Alina Polyakova, president and CEO, Center for European Policy Analysis; adjunct professor of European Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Vlad Skots, chairman, Ukrainian American House in Sacramento
Michael Kimmage, Professor and history department chair, Catholic University of America, Author of "The Abandonment of the West: The History of an Idea in American Foreign Policy"