In 2018, state lawmakers passed the California Consumer Privacy Act, a landmark bill aimed at protecting consumers and their digital data. The law took effect earlier this year and allows consumers to tell companies not to sell their personal information, among other protections. Now, Proposition 24 wants to take protections even further than those outlined in the existing law. But consumer advocates are divided on the measure. While all are in favor of protecting consumer privacy, there’s disagreement over the best strategy. We’ll take up the debate and unpack what a “yes” or “no” vote would mean.
Election 2020: Proposition 24 and the Debate Over Online Privacy Protections

Rachael Myrow, senior editor, Silicon Valley News Desk, KQED
Richard Holober, president, Consumer Federation of California, representing No on 24 campaign
Jim Steyer, CEO and founder, Common Sense Media, representing Yes on 24 campaign