Forum hears from both sides of the debate over California’s Proposition 20, which would roll back sentencing and parole changes approved by voters in 2014 and 2016. If approved, Proposition 20 would re-categorize some non-violent crimes as felonies, restrict some parole considerations and require DNA collection for certain misdemeanors. Backed by law enforcement, proponents say that the earlier reforms threaten public safety. Opponents say state prisons are overcrowded and argue that Proposition 20 would adversely affect communities of color. We’ll get the details and take your questions.
Election 2020: Proposition 20 Would Roll Back Certain Criminal Justice Reforms

Inmates in a hallway at Chino State Prison. (Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)
Marisa Lagos, politics correspondent for KQED - co-host of KQED's Political Breakdown show
Ron Lawrence, represents yes on prop 20 campaign
Lenore Anderson, leading the opposition to Prop 20