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Jorge Ramos on Immigration, Trump and Freedom of the Press

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump fields a question from Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos during a press conference held before his campaign event at the Grand River Center on August 25, 2015 in Dubuque, Iowa. Earlier in the press conference Trump had Ramos removed from the room when he failed to yield when Trump wanted to take a question from a different reporter.  (Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Longtime Univision host and veteran journalist Jorge Ramos is a vocal critic of the Trump administration’s immigration policies. Inspired by his experience getting kicked out of a press conference with then presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2015, Ramos has written what some are calling a manifesto. In “Stranger: The Challenge of a Latino Immigrant in the Trump Era” Ramos describes his move to the U.S. from Mexico to avoid censorship, his rise to prominence as a journalist, and what he sees as the pressing issues facing Latinos at this political moment. We ask our listeners: what questions do you have for Jorge Ramos?

Jorge Ramos, anchor and host, Univision; Author, “Stranger: The Challenge of a Latino Immigrant in the Trump Era”


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